Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections
What is AQUALYX?
Aqualyx is a worlds leading fat dissolving solution made from the deoxycholate family of acids. The product may also be called Motolese’s Solution, named for the professor that introduced the drug.
AQUALYX is a non-surgical solution. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise frequently, they find that the excess fat simply won’t budge from buttocks, the stomach, the chin, knee fat ,flanks/ love handles and the inner and outer thighs. Destroying the fat cells is a long-term solution provided you retain a stable weight
Sarah M Aesthetics Ealing are pleased to be able to offer Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injection Treatment. This fat busting procedure enables fat removal from different areas of the face and body.
What is Aqualyx used for?
It used for Aqualysis or Aquaplasty treatment to reduce localised, stubborn fat deposits in areas such as the chin, stomach, outer and inner thighs, hips, knees etc.
Most clients find that undergoing liposuction is too extreme of an a potion to treat . Thats where Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Treatment comes into exist.
How quickly will I see results?
A reduction in fat deposits can usually be seen after just one treatment, however depending on the amount of fat deposit in the area between two and eight sessions are required to see the optimal effect. The speed at which results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes
Who is the treatment suitable for?
It is suitable for patients who do not want the more invasive liposuction surgery or laser lipo treatments, who do not have large amounts of fat to remove and who are over 18 years and under 60 years of age.
Is the treatment suitable for overweight patients as a weight loss method?
No, Aqualyx and Aqualysis are aimed at reducing stubborn pockets of fat.
How much does Aqualyx cost?
Minimal side effects have been reported globally since its introduction, but patients can expect a little skin irritation, bruising and oedema, which will ease after a few days
Treatments start from between £250 – £500 per treatment area
Areas such as the chin will need as many as 3 Aqualyx Treatments. Larger areas (like the thighs for example) may benefit from up to 8 treatments
Aqualyx is a safe, natural alternative to traditional liposuction. It’s effective for dissolving fat in unwanted areas of the face and body. The after-effects are fairly minor and minimal side effects have been reported globally since its introduction, but patients can expect a little skin irritation, bruising and oedema, which will ease after a few days
If you’re looking for a long-term solution for unwanted fatty deposits on the face and body, then this treatment could be just what you’re looking for. The Aqualyx Treatment is known to produce results that last. This means that you can banish fat for good in the areas you’re concerned about.
Aqualyx Treatment is effective in producing tightening and contouring effects to the skin in the treated area. With liposuction, there is usually saggy skin in the area that was treated. This problem is easily overcome with Aqualyx.
Once injected, Aqualyx starts working immediately in the treated area. Over time, the unwanted fat is removed by the lymphatic system and the liver. This is the immediate solution when a non-invasive alternative to liposuction is desirable.
Recovery Duration
Compared to recovery on the face, body recovery takes a bit more time As Aqualyx Treatment is more aggressive when the body is being treated, you’ll experience some pain and swelling for a number of days post-treatment. It’s important to start wearing a compression bandage as soon as the procedure is complete. you’re likely to experience some swelling and discomfort on the face area thats treated. Typically, this lasts anything from 5 to 28 days(in severe cases)
Like any other treatment with Aqualyx, there’s a small risk of getting an infection as with many procedures
Before Aqualyx treatment, buy some Paracetamol in case you need it during or after treatment. It’s a good idea to purchase supportive garments for the area being treated.
After treatment, you can resume gentle exercise when you feel able.
You’ll need to avoid sunbathing, saunas and steam rooms for a week post-treatment. To improve your body’s response to treatment, keep pinching the area that was treated. This will stimulate it and help the Aqualyx to work properly.
Ibrofun should be avoided at all after the Aqualyx treatment procedure
You shouldn’t receive Aqualyx injections if:
you’re breastfeeding
you have an inability to produce fat
you’re pregnant
you have skin diseases or infections
you have any conditions that affect fat processing in your body