Ideal for those with an active or sporty lifestyle.
This IV drip is packed full of energy boosting B vitamins, plus powerful amino acids to improve recovery time and boost performance.
This is one for the gym bunnies out there.
Price £655
Thiamine Hydrochloride 250 mg
Riboflavin (as Phosphate Sodium) 4 mg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 50 mg
Ascorbic Acid 500 mg Nicotinamide 160 mg
Glucose (as Monohydrate) 1000 mg
Delivered via injection, this is a speedy and effective way to deliver a 100mg dose of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide - a coenzyme that occurs in many living cells. Support your body’s normal NAD levels with our new NAD+ vitamin shot.
Duration of Infusion Between 30 - 45minutes
Treatment Plan
1 infusion per week for 4/5 weeks then maintain once per month ongoing.
Works Well With the following;
Vitamin B12 Booster Shot
Glutathione Booster Shot
* Very popular - Combine Glutathione IV with Sports Performance for lightening, brightening and all the vitamin, detoxing and mineral boosting benefits.